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Published on April 22, 2009 By MrVyngaard In Demigod

Now for something completely different.

Okay.  Not SO different, but sort of different.  The Queen of Thorns.  Outside of the fact that a woman dressed only in vines is nice to look at, her powers complement reinforcements VERY nicely.  Visually speaking, her appearance reminds me of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night's  Blue Venus Weed, but with red hair and human skin.  And four-beetle drive transport. (4BD?)  She's quite the prickly sort, having dominion over things that sting, bite, and is the nightmare matriarch of picnic goers everywhere.

But beyond her charms, she's also a General.  This is very loosely similar to Diablo II's Necromancer or City of Heroes's Mastermind/Controller.  You have your legions of terror, you attack something, they kill it for you.  She even goes both ways - no, not like that - in terms of being multimodal for attack/defense.  (Much like a COH Kheldian AT.) Click once, she goes into her flower.  Good for tanking and summoning.  Click again, and she emerges lovely yet deadly to throw waves of thorns and ruin your day.  Delightful.


This lil' lady has a wonderful passive skill that lets her gain life back from things slain in her presence.  It also doesn't seem to be discriminatory, and that kind of forward-leeching initiative I admire.  In a Easy AI 2 v 2 Skirmish with Regulus on my side and against Oak and Lord Erebrus, she ended up obliterating the opposition purely from being able to heal from her units and the enemy dead.  Nice trick.


on Apr 22, 2009

.......This is why normal people should not be allowed to post in the journals section....

on Apr 22, 2009

This lil' lady has a wonderful passive skill that lets her gain life back from things slain in her presence.  It also doesn't seem to be discriminatory, and that kind of forward-leeching initiative I admire.  In a Easy AI 2 v 2 Skirmish with Regulus on my side and against Oak and Lord Erebrus, she ended up obliterating the opposition purely from being able to heal from her units and the enemy dead.  Nice trick.

It does nothing of the sort. She doesn't get life from "composting" enemies, she improves here Shamblers and her Uproot ability. It'd be nice if she gained life from compost...

on Apr 22, 2009

To the OP - though I am really not a fan of drug reference, I laughed.  Hard.

on Apr 22, 2009

In Soviet Russia, you smoke the weed.

on Apr 24, 2009

@Resist_The_Dawn:  Yeah, I don't like normal people too.  So boring.  So tepid.  Zzz.

@Daikaze: Your contribution has been noted as BEING TOTALLY RIGHT.   Unfortunately, I got my stuff confused due to the various items and upgrades I'd gotten.  All those nice life gained back bonuses blinded me!  Compost by itself doesn't do miraculous things. I'm wrong.  (Expect this every so often, as I'm also human.)  First time through, I jumped the gun, the shark, and the truth.  I admit to it.

@KenoLFD:  Normally I'm not one either, but sometimes the reference just fits.

@Dracil:  In Soviet Demigod...